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5 Minuten Ehrenamt

Die Reihe 5 Minuten Ehrenamt der Ehrenamtagentur Essen stellt verschiedene Organisationen und Ehrenamtsbereiche vor. Schaut euch hier den Trailer zur Videoreihe an. Die zugehörige Playlist dafür ist verlinkt.

5 Minuten Ehrenamt - Playlist

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Seebrücke Duisburg (Juli 21)

Die Seebrücke Duisburg ist Teil der 2018 gegründeten internationalen Bewegung SEEBRÜCKE. Diese wird von verschiedenen Bündnissen und Akteur:innen der Zivilgesellschaft getragen. Sie solidarisieren sich mit allen Menschen auf der Flucht und erwarten von der deutschen und europäischen Politik sofort: - Sichere Fluchtwege - Eine Entkriminalisierung der Seenotrettung - Eine menschenwürdige Aufnahme der Menschen, die fliehen mussten oder noch auf der Flucht sind - Und explizit für Duisburg: Duisburg soll sicherer Hafen werden.

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Stapeltor Duisburg (March 21)

The STAPELTOR shall become a place that gives space to different people and groups to develop and realize cultural and political ideas. There is no such place in Duisburg so far, so we are simply making it ourselves! No matter if you want to help with building, if you want a language café or if you want to network politically - the STAPELTOR is looking forward to meeting you!


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Weitblick Duisburg-Essen (Feb. 21)

Weitblick Duisburg-Essen is a student initiative at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Together, we work for more equitable access to education worldwide. To this end, we promote the school education of children and young people in Germany and in our partner projects worldwide.

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Nutrition Council (Jan. 21)

Essen's citizens, initiatives and companies have joined forces in the Food Council. Together we are working to build a sustainable food system for the city that works without exploiting people and nature. To this end, structures are to be created that enable food to be grown, harvested, processed and traded as ecologically, regionally and seasonally as possible.


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FLIZmobil Essen (Dez. 20)

Thanks to many years of funding from a foundation, we have succeeded in reaching children and families in need of reliable support and assistance with the "FLIZmobil im Quartier" project. With the everyday, positive and enjoyable topics of balanced nutrition and the promotion of physical activity, we have found an ideal door opener to children and parents who are not or only insufficiently reached by the existing support system.


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Kick-off with Ehrenamt Agentur Essen e.V. (Nov. 20)

Where many people get involved, the community functions better and the quality of life increases.
Ehrenamt Agentur Essen ensures that help is targeted to where it is needed.

  • We bring people together who would never have met without our mediation.
  • We recognize social challenges and provide impetus for innovative commitment projects.
  • We motivate and support people to use their potential and actively contribute to society.

We work transparently and efficiently - as a small but energetic team.